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seems like some of the controls aren't working. once in game, h doesn't bring up help screen. g doesn't pickup items.

hey there, thanks for pointing out this issue - both work on my end, could you please provide the browser you're using while experiencing this issue?

Was using Chrome. 

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thanks! i'm on chrome too but i'll investigate this for sure for future updates! in the meantime, if you could provide me any error present in your console (F12), that would help a lot!

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We'll, I just went back in to replicate and now it seems to be working just fine! Not sure what happened earlier. 

that's odd! well, i'll definitely investigate that further when i work on a new update, thanks for pointing it out!

Interface needs some tweaking. I can't see the bottom 3-4 tile-lengths of any given screen regardless of how I resize the browser window. I can move the character off the screen into those 3-4 tiles, but cannot see the character when I do so. This obviously makes it quite unplayable for me.

hey there, thanks for pointing out this issue - it worked on the screens i tested the game on, could you please provide the resolution/screen size you're using while experiencing this issue?